
Horse Therapy

Horse therapy services are $80.00 for a 1-hour treatment.  We begin by taking time to talk to our clients about any immediate concerns they may have regarding their animal.  Then, we spend twenty minutes per side treating the whole horse.  Depending on the health of your horse, some areas may need longer treatment time. Horses with back pain, for example, may need concentrated treatment time on their necks to help loosen up their back muscles. Oftentimes, we find that neck tightness is responsible for creating referral pain into the back and SI joints.  If there is an area that needs more concentration, we will factor that in the treatment time.  We find that this treatment regimen is optimal for the horse to have a relaxing, and enjoyable healing experience.

Dog Therapy

Our canine services are $40.00 for a 30-minute treatment.  Each appointment includes a full body treatment as well as spot treatment if needed, depending on the health needs of your pet. Dogs with lower back/hip issues may require more time spent on these areas. If your dog has a tumor, more time may be spent on that area, as well. We find that 30 minutes is optimal for treating your dog and gives the dog the best healing experience.

Dog Therapy

Our canine services are $40.00 for a 30-minute treatment.  Each appointment includes a full body treatment as well as spot treatment if needed, depending on the health needs of your pet. Dogs with lower back/hip issues may require more time spent on these areas. If your dog has a tumor, more time may be spent on that area, as well. We find that 30 minutes is optimal for treating your dog and gives the dog the best healing experience.